Too Far to Go Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the main paradox in the story ‘Wife Wooing’?

    Joan and Richard have been married for seven years and are blessed with three children. Despite being in a marriage for many years, Richard is still romantically attracted to his wife. Richard expresses his feelings philosophically, and his wife does not realize how her husband feels towards her. Richard watches his wife undress at about 11 pm, and his urge to have sex with her increases. Paradoxically, the wife is not interested, and she falls asleep. When Richard wakes up in the morning, he realizes that his wife is no longer attractive because she is fat with wrinkled skin. The reader finds it ironic that at one point, Richard is sexually attracted to his wife, and after few hours, he is disinterested in her.

  2. 2

    What are the main challenges in marriage as depicted by the author?

    Joan and Richard are married for over ten years, but their marriage faces tribulations which almost splits it apart. However, the reader does not consider Richard and Joan's differences as critical to lead to a divorce. The main reason why Richard wants to divorce Joan after ten years is boredom. At times, Richard finds his wife unattractive. On the other hand, Joan is not a romantic woman because she does not realize and reciprocate when her husband is horny. Similarly, Richard accepts that he does not know the art of seduction, which might be why Joan is not romantic. Richard tries to take his wife to different retreats and trips to mend their differences, but it does not work.

  3. 3

    What is the author’s opinion about divorce?

    According to the author, marriage disintegration mostly hurts the children because they are innocent and victims. The marriage between Richard and Joan blossoms at first, but things start to change after seven years of marriage. The wedding is faced with several challenges, and the only remedy is divorce. However, the author argues that divorce subjects the children to trauma and suffering because they wish to have both parents in harmony. The title 'Too Far to Go' is symbolic because it represents the sufferings children are depicted to in case of a divorce.

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