Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away Background

Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away Background

Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away is a novel published in 2011 and written by British author and nurse Christine Watson. The book follows a typical marriage-problem plot, when Ezikiel and Blessing have a father that is cheating on their mother. With much anger and anguish, the mother finds she can't handle the children at a time like this, so she sends them away to a place in Niger. There, Blessing and Ezikiel live with her mother's family, and the two soon learn the culture of the place they live in.

Blessing is supposed to become a midwife, according to her grandmother, who is highly respected in the family and community. Blessing also learns to believe that all white men from Europe and bad, because the devastation they bring to the environment and the things they have done to African peoples. The two are caught up in a strand of unexpected circumstances, and, along the way, find out who they truly are.

Christie Watson was born in 1976 in Stevenage. Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away was in fact her first novel, and received incredibly well. Winning the Costa First Novel Award in 2011, Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away soon became a classic for it's genre. Working as a nurse for twenty years, Watson retired to follow her passion of writing. Her second novel is entitled Where Women are Kings, and was also received quite well.

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