Time Salvager Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Time Salvager Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The future solar system is a symbol of overpopulation.

The novel ‘Time Salvager’ is set in the future, and the author fugitively uses the solar system to symbolize overpopulation. It is four hundred years in the future, the solar system is overpopulated, and resources are depleted. The chronmen are unable to retrieve resources from the past. The symbolism of the solar system in the past illustrates the possibility of human beings overwhelming the global resources.

Levin as a symbol of determination

The author depicts Levin as a person who is determined to achieve the set goals and objectives to ensure. The responsibility of Levin is to audit time and ensure its stability. The zeal and fortitude of Levin in performing his duties symbolize the power of determination. Besides Levin knowing that his service is purposely twisted against him, paradoxically, that does not kill his morale to put service above himself.

The symbolism of possibility

Set in the future, the population has shifted into the outer space of the solar system because the earth has become toxic. However, the resources in the outer solar system are scarce. Therefore, the dangerous task of extracting resources from the earth is necessary. James Griffin-Mars is recruited as the most experienced chronman to extract the earth’s resources without altering time. The ability of James to accomplish his dangerous mission on earth without detection symbolizes the possibility of attaining impossible missions.

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