Till We Have Faces Quotes


‘’Her beauty, which most of them had never seen, worked on then as a terror might work.’’

Orual, Book 1, chapter 3

From a young age, Orual was made conscious of the fact that beauty was linked with power and respect. In the society in which she lived in, being ugly was equal with the idea of being born with a disability. Because of her ugliness, Orual was never considered as being a person worthy of good things happening to her and she always though that her sister who were much more beautiful than she was were the ones who deserved all the praise. When Psyche was being praised as a Goddess, for Orual this was not something exceptionally because she knew that her sister will be advantaged because of the way she looks. The quote from above also highlights the idea that in the society where Orual lived, a person who was physically attractive was considered powerful while the ones who were not were overlooked and even pitied.

‘’Some say that loving and the devouring are all the same thing. For in sacred language we say that a woman who lies with a man devours the man.’’

Orual, Book 1, Chapter 5

The society in which Orual lives has a pretty grim idea about love and about the relationship between a man and a woman. The relationship is seen as being destructive for both parties but Orual sees marriage as being destructive for women in particular. When Orual thinks about her sister marrying the mountain God, Orual thinks that her sister would be better off dead. In her mind, marriage and death are the same when it comes to a woman, marrying is the equivalent with being killed.

‘’Why, yes, it’s a pity about her face. But she’s a brave girl and honest.’’

Bardia, Book 1, chapter 9

The only fault the characters can point out about Orual is the fact that she is ugly. Orual is described as being a loving and wonderful woman who unfortunately is told that she is worthless because she is not as beautiful as her sisters. Even though she is a princess, a royalty, she is seen as being inferior even by those who are below her because of her physical appearance. This quote further emphasizes the importance given to beauty in the society where Orual lived.

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