Thousand Cranes Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Kikuji exploit women?

    Kikuji follows the footsteps of his father after his death and runs after women. His relationships keep on fluctuating with time. He gets indulge in different love affairs and makes love with his father’s last mistress Mrs. Ota as well. He builds a relationship with Fumiko and then hankers after Yukiko. Although he was involved in different women but still he remains alone at the end just like his father.

  2. 2

    Why does Fumiko commit suicide?

    Fumiko was indulged in a physical relationship with Kikuji and her mother also made love with him. After knowing about her mother’s relationship with Kikuji and his inconsistent nature she feels embarrassed. Fumiko commits suicide because of the embarrassment that she encounters after her relationship with Kikuji. She feels guilty for loving Kikuji and takes away her life.

  3. 3

    What does the author demonstrate through Kikuji?

    The author has demonstrated that the Japanese society is losing its traditions which had been continued for many generations. The people have become superficial and manipulative just like Kikuji, who puts emphasis on outer beauty and takes advantage of women by using them. Kikuji uses his masculinity as a tool to strengthen himself but eventually it only escalates his weakness.

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