This Tender Land Literary Elements

This Tender Land Literary Elements


Coming of Age novel

Setting and Context

The novel was set during the Great Depression in 1932.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Hopeless, pessimistic, disheartening

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Odysseus O’Banion.

Major Conflict

There is a conflict between the orphanage and Odie's expectations.


The climax comes Odie meets his ant and discovers that she is his biological mother, and they live happily after.


Jack’s actions foreshadow various unreported incidents of children kidnappings.


The cruelty of the orphanage is understated. The children are mistreated, which prompts Odie and his friends to steal money and escape.


The story alludes to the struggles that orphans go through in life.


The description of Odie’s kidnapping by a one-eyed man called Jack depicts a sense of sight to readers.


The main paradox is that the orphanage that should be a heaven for orphans is cruel.



Metonymy and Synecdoche



The orphanage is personified as cruel.

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