Theogony Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Show Hesiod uses chaos as a backdrop for presenting the creation of the universe in Theogony.

    Being an outline of how the world and everything that is found in it was created into existence, Theogony, therefore, uses chaos as a backdrop for explaining how the world was created from nothingness, out of which the beings that were the first in the universe were created. The beings that the book outlines how they were created out of chaos and nothingness were Gaia, who is also the mother earth, Eros the god of desire, Tartarus the god of the underworld, Erebus the god of darkness as well as Nyx, the god of night. Theogony, therefore, follows the lives of these beings.

  2. 2

    Imperfection as a theme is apparent in Hesiod’s Theogony. Illustrate how the theme is brought out in the novel.

    Hesiod, in his depiction of the gods in Theogony, uses characteristics that are more humanly than godly. While the beings described by Hesiod in the book are divine and deific; they are not without faults—an aspect and trait that is quite alien to gods but familiar and native with human beings. Imperfection, as a theme becomes apparent in the book as most of the gods, are not presented as being all-knowing or all mighty. Each of the gods has a specific role and a specialty. Additionally, the gods, such as Zeus, who is king is also presented as not being free from imperfections as he makes mistakes as any human being would. Due to the imperfections that each of the gods has, problems exist in their coexistence.

  3. 3

    Show how the theme of succession is brought out in Hesiod’s Theogony.

    Succession is brought out when Kronos dethrones Uranus after being aided by Gaia. Also when Zeus defeats Kronos, he takes over the thrown and, in this way, succession is again brought out. In this work, the gods are aware of the fact that they will not be rulers forever and this is, in fact, the reason behind Krono’s devouring of his children. He fears the fact that they would one day assume the leadership mantle.

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