The Writings of Anselm of Canterbury Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is logical reasoning an act of belief as portrayed by Anselm of Canterbury?

    According to Anselm, knowing God is not just about reading about him, but it entails logical reasoning and questioning. An individual is supposed to ask himself questions and look for answers from the theological books. According to Anselm, every person has the right to question God's existence because that is the genesis of understanding religion. Therefore, Atheists are not wrong when they conclude that God does not exist because their questions have not been adequately addressed by theologians.

  2. 2

    How does Anselm address morality in the book 'The Writings of Anselm of Canterbury’?

    According to Anselm, morality is doing good to others, and it is not related to faith or belief. Anselm continues to insist that character is enhanced by logical reasoning. The author argues that the ability to think and reflect on the act of doing good is what contributes to morality. Anselm concludes that people who engage in immoral actions are those who fear to reason before acting.

  3. 3

    What is the figurative of the crucifixion of Jesus?

    Jesus' crucifixion symbolizes the sacrifice by Christ to save humanity. The issue of sacrifice was common in the early Christian life, and most faithful people offered burnt animals to God to show their obedience and thankfulness. Anselm's book reflects the origin of the Christian faith, and it captures the crucifixion of Jesus to symbolize human salivation.

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