The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Nils symbolizes all the people who inflict violence upon animals and torture them. There are a lot of people around the globe who capture birds and obstruct them from flying. Domestic animals are suffering from various torments because children play with them mercilessly. Some children pull their tales like Nils and capture them in cages. It was during an attempt to halt the flight of a geese that Nils initiate his journey towards humanity with them. The author has tried to teach children with kindness through the book along with imparting the geographical lessons.


Akka symbolizes the leaders who guide us during various stages of our lives and try their best to save our lives. Nils didn't know anything about animal lives but Akka teaches him everything during his journey. She was an experienced geese who imparts the ways of animal world in Nils. Her wise counseling helps Nils in understanding everything during his adventures. She also saves Nils from the attacks of Smirre fox and from other wistful happenings.

Human Values

The most commonly recurring motif in the book is human values, which include compassion, sympathy, empathy, kindness, courage, loyalty, self-sacrifice and optimism. In the animal world, Nils learns these values and promises himself to act upon them in his later life. Although these values were absent in his life as a human but his journey as an animal made him learn the values through witnessing the cruel actions committed by others. The cruelty of fox on the flock of geese makes him realize his violence upon others.

Problems of Animals

Another motif in the book is the problems faced by the animals. The animals are tortured by humans and the innocent creatures cannot do anything to save themselves. Nils realizes the problems after becoming an animal. Through the violence inflicted by Nils, the oppression of animals have been demonstrated. Even a domestic animal like cat is not safe from the violent actions of humans. Along with teaching about the geography of the country, the author has propagated the pathetic conditions of animals around the globe. Mostly children are involved in torturing the animals because they do it to amuse themselves.


Geography is also a prevalent motif employed by the author. Actually, the book has been written basically to introduce the children with the geography of Denmark. During his journey, Nils gets to know about various landmarks, rivers and forests of his country. He also watches the beautiful sights and meets various animals while moving with the geese.

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