The Witch of Edmonton

Performance history

The play was first acted by Prince Charles's Men at the Cockpit Theatre in 1621 (there is a record of a performance at Court on 29 December of that year).[4] In the modern age it has been performed twice by the Royal Shakespeare Company, first in a touring production which ran from 1981 to 1982, and secondly in 2014, in a production starring Eileen Atkins in the lead role.[5][6] In June 2019, the play was revived and reworked by Hoof and Horn Productions at the BT Theatre in Oxford. In this retelling, Elizabeth Sawyer's storyline took centre stage: the Frank plot was removed and replaced by bits of new writing and theatrical portions of Henry Goodcole's pamphlet.[7][8] In January 2020, The Witch of Edmonton was performed for the first time in Edmonton, Canada as a part of Edmonton's Winter Shakespeare Festival. The performance was a staged reading of a text adapted by John Richardson to include references to the history and contemporary landmarks of the Canadian Edmonton.

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