The Way to Rainy Mountain


Navarre Scott Momaday was born February 27, 1934, in Lawton, Oklahoma, to Alfred Momaday and Natachee Scott. The family lived on Navajo, Apache, and Pueblo reservations in New Mexico and Arizona where his parents taught school. Momaday earned a bachelor's degree in political science at the University of New Mexico. Then he was awarded a scholarship to graduate school at Stanford University as a result of winning a creative writing contest for his poetry. After earning his Ph.D. in English there, he published his first book The Complete Poems of Frederick Goddard Tuckerman. He followed that academic study with The Way to Rainy Mountain and his first novel, House Made of Dawn, which received the Pulitzer Prize in 1969. Momaday was until his death emeritus professor of English at the University of Arizona.

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