The War That Saved My Life Themes

The War That Saved My Life Themes


A key theme of the novel is Ada's journey from abuse to empowerment through developing her trust in others, especially Susan. Ada initially lacked trust in her foster caregiver, Susan, due to her mother's abuse and neglect. She begins to trust her as they form a bond. She gradually becomes a nurturing figure in Ada's life despite Susan's initial reluctance to care for them.

The theme of trust is also evident in Ada's relationship with Jamie. As siblings, they rely on each other for support and protection, forming a bond built on trust and love. Ada's trust in Susan's ability to provide safety and care drives her to escape with Jamie to Kent. Through her journey, Ada demonstrates the transformative power of trust in nurturing relationships and fostering resilience. Through her experiences, Ada learns that trust can lead to love, healing, and a brighter future.

Resilience and Hope

Ada, the protagonist, confronts numerous challenges in her life, and her lack of support due to the loss of her father in infancy and her mother's indifference towards her and her brother Jamie exacerbates the situation. Despite enduring physical and mental abuse from her mother and neglect due to her clubfoot, Ada maintains her spirit and inner strength, allowing her to grow into an independent girl.

Her ability to overcome adversity enables her to transform her life for the better and save herself and her brother from danger. Ada's strength and determination demonstrate that even in the darkest times, there is hope for a new beginning.

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