The Wanton Troopers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Wanton Troopers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The torrential downpour

The author uses the torrential downpour to symbolize destruction. When Kevin heads to school, he notices how the crops are destroyed by rain, which signifies a possible hunger in the future.

The symbolism of innocence

Kevin O'Brien is a symbol of innocence. For instance, Kevin is a young boy who loves being bathed by his mother. While going to school, he wants to understand why the torrential rain can be that destructive leaving all crops destroyed. Similarly, Kevin recognizes a sawmill, and he wants to know how it operates. Therefore, Kevin's early life signifies virtuousness.

The symbolism of bullying

Bullying is symbolized by Kevin's fear while at school. Kevin is an intelligent boy thirsty for knowledge but fears intimidation from Harold and Riff, both in Grade VI. Since Kevin is young and weaker than his oppressors, he is molested and beaten without revenge.


Optimism is symbolized by Kevin's determination to succeed and shame his oppressors. Kevin is determined to work hard and outshine bullies like Harold and Riff ahead of him. Kevin's resilience embraces the reader despite the challenges that he goes through.

The symbolism of coming of age

Kevin's life story is an emblem of coming of age. The author strategically starts by introducing Kevin, a young boy who his mother bathes. The author follows Kevin's life and education. For instance, the author explains the challenges that Kevin go through in school, especially bullying. Therefore, the reader can also follow Kevin's life closely, which signifies coming of age.

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