The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Metaphors and Similes

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Metaphors and Similes

Dragon Simile

The narrator tells us that the ship's prow "was gilded and shaped like a dragon with an open mouth". This gives the.ship a more fantastical appearance than it might otherwise have had and also a more threatening appearance to her enemies. The dragon reference also sets the tone for the further references to dragons throughout the book.

King Arthur Simile

When the Pevensie children returned to Narnia last time "it was, for the Narnians, as if King Arthur had come back to Britain."

King Arthur is such a legendary character to the British that he is both revered and also much debated with regard to whether or not he really existed. The Pevensie children have this effect on the Narnian people as they are characters of Narnian legend and so revered that it is like meeting storybook characters, or Gods, when they return.

Birch Rod Simile

His sword "was effective as a birch rod".

In schools in Britain at the time of the novel children could be disciplined with beatings given using a rod made of birch wood. It was extremely painful and the narrator likens this to the painful slaps with his sword that Eustace was giving Reepicheep.

Insect Simile

"There was the Dawn Treader, shining like a great, bright insect."

From afar the ship looked like an insect traveling over the ocean and was also shining in the way that mayflies do when it is dark and their wings are visible.

Wasp Metaphor

Edmund states that if there is a wasp in the room he would like to be able to see it and says this in reference to the dragon that Lucy is hoping will skulk away and leave them alone. This is a metaphor for wanting to be able to see the threat or the enemy because a wasp that one cannot see is the one most likely to sting.

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