The Voyage of Mael Duin's Curragh Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why are none of the women in the novel named?

    One interesting thing about the novel is the way in which none of the female characters have a personal name. The women are simply referred to by their roles, and as such they are mentioned as nuns, servants or Queens. The lack of proper names given to the main characters is important because it highlights the idea that they are not as important as the men around them. The women are not main characters but rather only supporting one's who do not have a great importance.

  2. 2

    Why are the Christian elements in the story out of place and how can they be explained?

    There are many Christian elements in the novel mixed with pagan ideas and beliefs. For example, there are many imposing churches and monasteries and even nuns and priests with whom the rest of the characters interact with. These elements are out of place because Christianity had yet to reach Ireland during the time when the action is set. One reason why these elements appear in many ancient texts even though the are out of place is because the written language was in many parts introduced for the first time when Christianity began expanding. Up until that point, stories were passed down from generation to generation orally. They were written down in many cases by monks and other religious people who introduced religious ideas and elements even though they were not in line with the historical context.

  3. 3

    Why are all the animals described as being ferocious and out of control beasts?

    The animals encountered by the main character during his sea voyage are all extremely dangerous and out of control, with an insatiable desire to kill and be violent. The animals are described like this because they are used here in a symbolic way. The animals represent the heathens who did not accept God in their lives. Because of this they are compared with ferocious bests, beings that are interested only in their well-being and safety.

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