The Voice at 3:00 AM Literary Elements

The Voice at 3:00 AM Literary Elements

Speaker or Narrator, and Point of View

Third-person subjective point of view

Form and Meter


Metaphors and Similes

The simile is in the line, ‘Says it looks like a Federal courthouse' in William and Cynthia's poem.

Alliteration and Assonance

Alliteration is in the line, ‘The madwoman went marking X's’ in the poem ‘Early Evening Algebra.’


The main paradox is that the upper-class employees benefit from the sweat of the poor lower class employees and yet subject them to more poverty and suffering.


Narrative poem


The actions take place on an unnamed farm.


Enlightening and optimistic

Protagonist and Antagonist

Cynthia is the protagonist in the poem ‘William and Cynthia.’

Major Conflict

There is a conflict between workers and their employers in the poem ‘December.’ The farmers have remained to be poor despite their hard work.


The climax comes in the poem 'December,' where the speaker concludes that people must be compassionate towards each other regardless of their social class.


The similarities of the museum in the poem ‘William and Cynthia’ are foreshadowed by the mad woman’s revelation.


Poverty is understated in the poem ‘December.’


The poem ‘Early Evening Algebra’ alludes to the negative impact of insanity.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The chalk is used as a metonymy for the power of the mind.


Daylight is incarnated in the poem ‘William and Cynthia.’





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