The Vicar of Nibbleswicke Themes

The Vicar of Nibbleswicke Themes

Overcoming an obstacle

The main theme aside from the portrayal of dyslexia in "The Vicar of Nibbleswicke" is the theme of believing in oneself and overcoming the obstacles. Reverend Lee suffered with a severe case of dyslexia as a boy, but he was able to overcome it and follow his dream of studying and becoming a Reverend. It teaches children that no matter what obstacle come their way, they have to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.


The story was written by the author for the Dyslexia Institute and for children suffering with the disorder. Dyslexia is a disorder that affects learning, language learning in particular. Reverend Lee was able to overcome it as a boy, but after suffering extreme anxiety because of his new obligations it returns in form of twisting of the words and him being unaware of it. This causes funny situations because some words in reverse have peculiar meanings. Nevertheless, there is a solution for this as well, and Reverend Lee is facing this obstacle head on as well, adjusting and making the best out of the situation.


The people of Nibbleswicke are open-minded and understanding of the new vicar who seems to be a peculiar young fellow. They make the best out of the situation and see his new-added strange words as refreshing and escape from the usual dreary sermons. At the end when Reverend Lee has to wear a mirror and walk backwards they soon become accustomed to this as well, and accept their new strange vicar. This teaches the importance of people with disorders being met with understanding and patience for them to be able to have a positive outlook on life.

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