The Varieties of Religious Experience Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the author use personification in his literary work to make it more attractive to the reader?

    The narrator personifies the crab to give it the human abilities of conversation. The crab feels that it is not being given a fair treatment and it decides to verbalize. People call it a thing and it thinks that it is being dehumanized and made to look useless. To respond to this humiliation, the crab says that it is not a thing but him alone. The author uses this literary device of personification to mean that each person has a right to be addressed in a respectable manner. Some people or religions might feel superior to others. However, it is not right to look down upon others because around them know that they are people of value

  2. 2

    How does the imagery of hearing manifest itself in the “The Varieties of Religious Experience”?

    Fox is the founder of one of the religions with a massive following. He makes everyone believe that he speaks and listens to God and that depicts the sense of hearing to the reader. He says that God spoke to him as he was traveling with his friends. He then listens to the Lord's voice, which directs him to go to Litchfield city to deliver the message. In the city, he delivers the message in a loud voice as people listen because it is a market day. Out of these descriptions of listening and shouting, the reader can hear what is taking place as the story progresses.

  3. 3

    The author uses the Bible ironically. Briefly explain.

    The author questions every aspect of religion and beliefs. According to him, religion is an imposition to the innocent people who do not know what they are doing. He is surprised that no one is questioning what the Bible says. However, most of his readers are religious and at large Christians. It becomes ironic when the narrator says that the Bible contains the oppressive language. Therefore, Christians are prisoners of the Bible, which dictates them what to do without question. The narrator assumes that parents and traditions introduce people to religion and leave them without answers.

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