The Undoing Project Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Undoing Project Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Lewis explores the connection and commitment both Kahneman and Tversky have to their home country Israel. The two share a passion for serving their country since each has also served in the Israeli Defense Forces at different times of their lives. Israel has engaged in a long-winded conflict which nationals have experienced therefore they are inherently patriotic. As psychologists, the professional strides made by the duo are linked to their national identities showing their pride for the nation. Accordingly, as their homeland and identity, Israel is a symbol of the dedication and loyalty showcased in their partnership.

Friendship and Collaboration

The book is about an unlikely friendship that led to major contributions in the field of behavioral science. Kahneman and Tversky collaborated in several studies that brought new understandings about the psychology of judgment and human decision-making. Other than their collaborative works Lewis addresses their personal lives and personalities to give context to their friendship. Tversky is extroverted and charismatic while Kahneman is more introverted and not as self-confident. Their different personalities led to a perfect match that enabled their successes in the field of psychology.

Hebrew University

Hebrew University in Jerusalem played a huge role in the collaboration between the two psychologists. Each had their academic careers begin at the university before going back and forth to institutions in the United States. Their collaboration began after Kahneman’s invited Tversky to lecture at one of his seminars in the university. The university symbolizes the start of a lengthy partnership that changed how we think about decision-making.


Kahneman and Tversky’s works sought to answer what humans are actually doing while making decisions. Their findings found that people seek to minimize regret rather than maximize utility. This is therefore the mental rule of thumb where the mind seeks to ease the cognitive load in decision making. Heuristic methods lead to errors and thus the psychologists illustrate the flaws of the human mind during judgment.

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