The Ugly American Themes

The Ugly American Themes

Communism versus democracy

The main theme in the novel is the difference between the two political ideals coexisting in the fictional country where the action takes place. This conflict mirrors the differences which started the Cold War between America and Russia. In the novel, this conflict is portrayed in a very humorous way and almost ironic. Still, while the Russians and the Americans suffer little consequence as a result of their actions, the natives suffer greatly and many end up losing their lives in the process. The author also tries to explain why so many normal people may feel pulled towards communism and why it is extremely difficult to change a person's belief if they are attracted by the communist ideology.


The Americans are criticized as being extremely racist and insensitive towards the Sarkhanese people. The natives are described in extremely derogatory terms by the Americans and are even compared with monkeys, unable to take care of themselves and unfit to rule their own country. The Sarkhanese are aware of the fact they are seen as inferior and go on the defensive, taking advantage of everything they could and attacking indirectly the Americans. There are also many people who accepted silently the idea they are seen as inferior and are surprised when are given the power to decide and treated as equals to their white counterparts.

Political interests

Another important theme in the novel is the way in which ambassadors use various political strategies to sway the interest of the public and the love of the public for one or another political ideology. The communists, for example, use a devastating famine to make the general public love them while the Americans were known for their frequent parties and expensive gifts they offered to native officials in an effort to gain their support. These efforts are seen as insincere and manipulating, giving the people a false sense of safety and security. The common people see right through these attempts and end up hating the foreign ambassadors even more and losing the little trust they had in them.

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