The Turkish Embassy Letters Characters

The Turkish Embassy Letters Character List

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was an English noble and a writer. She was married to Edward Wortley Montagu, who was the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. In her letters, she wrote of the experiences of her stay in the Ottoman Empire: its traditions, culture, and the conditions of women in the Ottoman Harem.

Lady Mary was the one who introduced inoculation, the primitive practice of treating smallpox, to England. Her letters are an important source in the history of the Arab culture and the society of the Ottoman Empire.

Edward Wortley Montagu

Edward Wortley Montagu was an Ambassador of the British government. He married Lady Mary Pierrepont. He was appointed to Turkey, where he went with his wife and stayed in Constantinople for two years.

Countess of Mar

Countess of Mar or Lady Mar was Lady Mary's sister, to whom Lady Mary used to write letters from Turkey.

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