The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich Characters

The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich Character List

Ivan Ivanovitch

Ivan Ivanovitch the protagonist of the story, a rich man of mature age. The author often describes him as a very nice and kind person, a man who knows how to speak well. But we see sometimes that he’s not so good as is described by the narrator: he mocks the poor and is quite greedy and prideful.

Ivan Nikiforovitch

Ivan Nikiforovitch – the second protagonist of the story. As well as I. I., he is a rich man of mature age. He is also described as a fine man, but the author opposes his personality to that of I. I.: he is ruder, less delicate than his friend.

Agafya Fedosyevna

The first thing that we read about her is: “You know Agafya Fedosyevna who bit the assessor’s ear off?” From this information, we can understand what kind of person she is: very emotional and lacking some common sense. The author doesn’t give us much information about her. What we know is that she always interferes in the affairs of I. Nikiforovitch, though they are not related. She is bossy, loud, and captious.

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