The Street Lawyer


  • Polly - the secretary of Michael Brock
  • Michael Brock - the protagonist; a wealthy lawyer at Drake & Sweeney.
  • DeVon "Mister" Hardy - homeless man who takes hostages at Drake & Sweeney.
  • Mordecai Green - a street lawyer.
  • Claire Brock - wife of Michael Brock; aspiring neurosurgeon.
  • Arthur Jacobs - senior partner at Drake & Sweeney.
  • Barry Nuzzo - long-time associate lawyer with Drake & Sweeney.
  • Braden Chance - a real estate lawyer at Drake & Sweeney, who covered-up the illegal eviction.
  • Hector Palma - paralegal for Braden Chance, who helps Brock gain evidence for his case.
  • Lontae Burton - a homeless woman with four children: Ontario, Alonzo, Dante, and Temeko. They all die of carbon monoxide poisoning when snow blocks the exhaust pipe of their car. They were victims of the eviction, which indirectly resulted in their deaths.
  • Abraham Lebow - a street lawyer; associate of Mordecai Green and Sofia Mendoza.
  • Sofia Mendoza - a social worker; associate of Mordecai Green and Abraham Lebow.
  • Tillman Gantry - former pimp, small-time hustler, and twice convicted felon, who owned the apartments where the illegal eviction took place.
  • Ruby - a homeless woman addicted to drugs. Brock tries to help her get over her addiction so she can see her son again.
  • Megan - Brock's later love interest who works at the women's homeless shelter.[3]

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