The Stories of Sui Sin Far Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Stories of Sui Sin Far Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Moon - “Mrs. Spring Fragrance”

Mrs spring Fragrance soothes Laura: “Little Sister, oh, Little Sister! Dry your tears—do not despair. A moon has yet to pass before the marriage can take place. Who knows what the stars may have to say to one another during its passing? A little bird has whispered to me—” The metaphoric moon is representative of time; its appearance deduces that time has unquestionably shifted.

Spirit Land - “Mrs. Spring Fragrance”

Sui Sun writes “Mrs. Spring Fragrance loved babies. She had had two herself, but both had been transplanted into the spirit land before the completion of even one moon.” The ‘spirit land’ is figurative of death. Mrs. Spring Fragrance had delivered offspring but they passed on.

Chill - “Its Wavering Image”

Sui Sun, “Mark Carson felt strangely chilled. Pan was not herself tonight. She did not even look herself. He had been accustomed to seeing her in American dress. Tonight she wore the Chinese costume.” Here, the chilling is representative of shockwave because Pan’s dressing is not what he had predicted. He had estimated that she would dress like a white American following their kiss.

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