The State and Revolution Glossary

The State and Revolution Glossary


Thee capitalist owners of the means of production and an unfair share of the wealth the working class allows it to produce.


The quality of two or more things possession such a degree of incompatibility that they cannot find common ground for compromise allowing them to be enjoined into a state of harmony.


A profoundy materialistic approach to the world that rejects the value or lives in utter ignorance of aesthetic or cutural affairs.


A highly nationalistic political ideology approving of domination of foreign lands, forced assimilation of foreign cultures and the exploitation of foreign resources in the name of extending dominion of the homeland.


Profiting from the labor or resources of others without an equitable distribution of the wealth produced.

Paris Commune of 1871

An uprising that respresent the first major attempt in history of the working class of a city to force equitable distribution of weath between the ownership and working classses.


The abolition of all government and subsequent re-organization of society on a cooperative basis without the need to resort to force to impose order.


Those who were supportive of the aims of the insurrectionists during the Paris Commune of 1871


The members of the working class as opposed to being members of the bourgeoisie.


An eloquent eulogizing of the passage of an esteemed subject.

dialectical materialism

The Marxist theory that political and historical events are the result of the conflict over the limited suppy of materia needs between opposing forces of social construction.


Form of democratic government typified by a distinct separation of powers between the legislative and executive functions, so that the legislative body known as the parliament enjoys greater privilege than the other branches.


Those who fall under the domination and authority of a tyrannical leadership capable of using methods of suppression, persecution, maltreatment and abuse to maintain supremacy.


Marxist term for the transitional period that occurs between the overthrow and capitalism and the utimate realization of communism.


The state that follows upon the transitional period of socialism in the overthrow of capitalism in which all property is no longer privatey owned, but is instead publically owned and where the economy is based upon the concept of each worker being paid according to their abilities and needs.


A government in which a bloated bureaucracy and enormous standing army eat away at the resources which deservedy should go toward improving the lives of the working class.


A written or spoken diatribe for the purpose of criticizing or denouncing a person or abstract idea.


Taking advantage of situations when they arise without regard to how they fit into a plan or how they violate ethical standards or moral codes.


The right to vote.

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