The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps Literary Elements

The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps Literary Elements



Setting and Context

Fictional realm in Ancient Africa

Narrator and Point of View

The book is told in third-person narration from a point of view of an omniscient narrator.

Tone and Mood

Violent, adventurous, and frightening

Protagonist and Antagonist

Demane is the protagonist while Jukiere and the desert bandits are the anatagonists.

Major Conflict

The caravan brothers have to hire a mercenary to get them through the dangerous wildeeps on their way to Olorum city.


When the Jukiere first attacked them and they have to fight it to proceed on their journey.


Demane tells the captain about their encounter with the merchant who told them about the Jukiere attacking his men and therefore they should follow another route. They are later on attacked by the Jukiere as the merchant had warned earlier on.




Faedou talking about having told a dove to come down to his shoulder alluding to the Biblical dove that came onto Jesus’ shoulder during his baptism showing God’s acceptance of him. He shows his belief in God and would rather have his leg cut than let Demane treat him with witchcraft.


“The jukiere are clawed like lions, with teeth more terrible; as strong as bears, but wasteful and capricious killers, like polecats” The narrator gives a clear picture of what a Jukiere looks like and how dangerous it is.




The world of demigods and the world of humans are parallel to each other. Whereas demigods heal very fast, humans take a while to heal. The captain being a demigod runs barefoot through the hot desert while the others ride upon camels.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

“Big one’s the Lion of Olorum.” Lion has been used to represent the title of the king of Olorum.


"When the oceans swallowed the land." The narrator gives the oceans the ability to swallow just like humans and animals although that is not possible in reality.

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