The Shadow Lines

Discuss the communai confiict as narrated in 'the Shadow Line?,.

Discuss the communal conflict as narrated in the shadow lines?

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This novel explores community and connection as being based in part on the sharing of memories and perspectives; the narrator’s interest in other people’s lives is a manifestation of his attempts to reconcile his individual self with his connections to other people. Although the novel technically only has one narrator, the narrator appears to have a deep interest in the experiences and memories of other people, as many of the events he recounts are other people’s experiences. For example, the very first line of the novel reads thusly: “In 1939, thirteen years before I was born, my father’s aunt, Mayadebi, went to England with her husband and her son, Tribid” (3). This line of narration discusses events that took place years before the narrator was even born. The narrator’s fixation on these characters’ lives mirrors the novel’s overall attempt to examine the connective power of community rather than fixate on a single individual’s perspective.