The Seven Against Thebes Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is it important for Antigone to bury Polynices?

    An edict has been decreed that Polynices' body shall remain on the field of battle to be eaten by the wolves, as he is considered a traitor. Antigone declares she will bury him, not as a traitor, but as her brother. It is the connection of blood that causes her to demand his burial as a citizen, not as a traitor and she is willing to do it all herself if no one will help her.

  2. 2

    How do the deaths of Polynices and Eteocles further the story of Oedipus?

    Oedipus tore out his eyes and cursed his sons to have to split his kingdom. His sons, Eteocles and Polynices have agreed to rule in alternating years. Eteocles has ruled in year one and has now denied his brother rule the following year and this begins the battle. Thus, when the two brothers kill one another on the battlefield it carries on the curse of Oedipus, that his blood has been tainted and carries on through his sons, and instead of being united by blood they are cursed and separated by it, just like their father.

  3. 3

    Why does Polynices lead an army against his brother?

    Polynices is Eteocles' brother, who is the current king of the city. But, the arrangement between the brothers declared by their father, Oedipus was that they would reign over the city by switching back and forth every year as king. Eteocles has denied Polynices his right to rule, and thus has caused his brother to form an army against him.

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