The Sandbox


  • Mommy: 55, a well-dressed, imposing woman. She is Grandma's daughter. After marrying Daddy, she brings her mother from the farm and into their big town house in the city. She gives her mom an army blanket, her own dish, and a nice place under the stove.
  • Daddy: 60, a small man; gray, thin. He is the rich man that Mommy married.
  • Grandma: 86, a tiny, wizened woman with bright eyes. She is the protagonist of the play. She married a farmer at the age of 17. Her husband died when she was 30, and she raised Mommy by herself from there on. Grandma is at conflict with her family, society, and death.
  • The Young Man: 25, a good-looking, well-built boy in a bathing suit. He is the angel of death, performing calisthenics that suggest the beating of wings. He is from Southern California, but hasn't been given a name yet.
  • The Musician: No particular age, but young would be nice. He does not speak and must be directed to play or stop playing his music.

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