The Running Dream Imagery

The Running Dream Imagery

Hearing imagery

The doctor checks the narrator's wound, and he assures her that everything shall be okay. After hearing the doctor's assurance, the mother whispers to the narrator's ear, guaranteeing her that everything shall be well and that she is about to be discharged. However, looking at her mother, the narrator notices that everything is not okay because her eyes are swollen and red. Consequently, the hearing imagery is depicted when the mother assures the narrator she should not worry because everything is under control. The narrator says, "My mother whispers, shhh, it will be okay. But her eyes are swollen and red, and I know she does not believe what she is saying."

Sight Imagery

Central to the plot is sight imagery which becomes more prevalent in Jessica's bad state of her health. The doctor has come, but his presence does not inspire any hope because the reactions of the narrator's mother predict the contrary. After the doctor has removed Jessica's bandage, her eyes flood with tears. She turns away her eyes not to see the status of her wound. Jessica's mother cannot control her tears after realizing that her daughter's situation is not improving. Consequently, this scene depicts the sense of sight. Jessica says, "My eyes flood with tears as Dr. Wells removes the bandages and inspects his handiwork. I turn away, only to see my mother fighting back her tears."

Sense of smell

The imagery that defines the hospital environment where Jessica is hospitalized is smell imagery. Walking into a health facility, one immediately notices various smells ranging from drugs, antiseptics, and artificial fragrances. The smell at Jessica's ward is intense and diverse. However, Jessica says that she is not troubled by the hospital smell but by her heightened sense of smell that keeps waking her up. Jessica says, "My sense of smell seems heightened. Sometimes it's what wakes me up. And it is not the sticky smell of the hospital."

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