The Rule of Saint Benedict Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Humility is a strong aspect of the rules set out by St. Benedict. What spiritual and secular effect would this call for humility have on the monks?

    What is often called humility in the rule is a whole set of behavioral codes. The monks were expected to behave in a way that allowed for a productive and contemplative life. This included rules on how to talk, how to pray and how to interact with people within the hierarchical system of the monastery. The lives of the monks would be intimately affected by this, as each step of each day requires some form of humility. The rule goes as far as to suggest a proper body posture at all times. While the spiritual end goal was to allow the monks to get closer to God, the real world effect would have been immense, if those rules were fully enforced.

  2. 2

    The communities envisioned by St. Benedict in "The Rule of Saint Benedict" were contemplative and secluded. Which effect would this have on the life's of the monks?

    While the creation of the concept of monasteries was an answer to historical and religious events of the time, the effect these events had on the rule were immense. St. Benedict envisioned communities that are in minimal contact with the outside world. This seclusion from family and friends, from the society young men would have grown up in must have been dramatic. While the community is encouraged to help each other through hard times, the strict rule book is hard on those that are unable to fully commit. One has to consider that often people did not join the monastery out of pure faith but for a number of reasons, including the escape from a former life or financial hardship.

  3. 3

    "The rules of Saint Benedict" created communities of monks all around Europe that protected riches and knowledge for hundreds of years. How can such a development be explained through the original rule?

    The realities of Medieval Europe and the concerns about the downfall of spirituality motivated St. Benedict to create the rule. This motivation and his personal beliefs on proper spiritual life created a system that thrives behind thick walls. It was this seclusion and the fortress like buildings that allowed knowledge to be hidden away, even from enforces within the Catholic system. What was originally meant to protect the way of life for the monks created a series of treasure chambers where riches and knowledge were hoarded and hidden away from the rest of the world.

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