The Rez Sisters

The Rez Sisters Metaphors and Similes

"Too much inside your blood" (Metaphor)

In the first scene, Philomena tells Pelajia that, although she might think that she wants to leave the reserve, that it is "too much inside [her] blood," a metaphor for the fact that reserve living is just part of who Pelajia is, unavoidably and inevitably.

"Like a hound" (Simile)

As Veronique and Marie-Adele gossip about someone named Black Lady Halked, Veronique says, "She looks like a hound about to pounce on a mouse, she smiles so hard when she smiles," an evocative and disparaging simile.

"Like a fungus" (Simile)

In the chaotic montage in which the women fundraise for their trip to Toronto, Philomena keeps coming onstage with more and more babies. In one particular entrance, the stage direction says, "She now has two babies attached to her, like a fungus," to signify that the relationship between Philomena and the babies is meant to appear parasitic in some way.

"Bigger than a goddamn breadbox" (Simile)

On their trip to Toronto, Emily speaks rather dotingly about Big Joey, one of the men from the reserve, describing the size of his buttocks and also remarking on the fact that he has "a dick that's bigger than a goddamn breadbox."

"Like confetti" (Simile)

In the orgiastic bingo scene in Toronto, Highway describes the chaos of the bingo hall, saying that the bingo cards are flying through the air "like confetti," a simile that invokes an atmosphere of delightful chaos, mess, and celebration. A disorderly over-the-top-ness.