The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Summary

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Summary

The poem essentially addresses Joe Public and tells him that the revolution is not going to be like the Super Bowl. It's not going to be shown on television, and it's not going to be an occasion for hosting a watch party or an extravagant buffet. There will be no commercials to watch and grade, There will be no commercials to give respite to the thirsty television viewer who wants to use the break as an opportunity to grab a beer. There won't be a corporate sponsor presenting the revolution.

The ordinary man and woman in the street won't see their politicians and representatives banging a drum or blowing a horn in support. Nor will they see it presented in some Academy Award style show, with glitter and celebrities.

There won't be any coverage of the violence either. The news won't show the looting, or people stealing televisions from a broken store window. There will be no coverage of the violence that ensues when the police try to break up the crowd. Nobody will know that there was a revolution, because it won't be featured on the news at all.

The narrator ends by warning the public that they won't need to wait to see the revolution on television because if they look out of their window they will see that it is already taking place in the street outside.

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