The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui Irony

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui Irony

A Vote

Ui addresses the grocers at the end of the play letting them know they can vote for whoever they desire. Ironically, he implies that if they vote against him he will kill them and thus secures the vote.

A Deal

Dullfeet agrees to stop publishing critical pieces on Ui in his newspaper in exchange for protection. Ironically, Ui kills him shortly after, taking back his word to protect the man.

Giri and Givola

Giri and Givola work for Ui, but they are ready to leverage Dogsborough's confession to get Ui out of power. Ironically, Ui finds out and is going to have them killed, but even more ironically he keeps them on and has them kill Roma for him.


Roma is Ui's best friend and right-hand man. He is willing to kill and die for Ui to stay in and gain more power. Ironically, Ui kills his friend when he learns that Roma is the only thing holding up his gaining Cicero.


Dogsborough has had a sparkling clean reputation his entire life. Ironically, he agrees to take stock in Sheet's company and allow the Cauliflower Trust to steal a loan from the city which he put his name upon in order to get it approved.

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