The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The Reluctant Fundamentalist Character List


Changez is the Pakistani protagonist of the novel, who attended Princeton University and narrates the story of his time in the States (and his subsequent disillusionment) to the Stranger. At first, Changez loves America, has many friends, works hard for a New York financial firm, and even has a girlfriend, Erica. However, in the aftermath of 9/11, he experiences discrimination and racism from his adopted country, and becomes soured toward the United States, viewing it as a threat to the world. His girlfriend Erica is unable to fully get over the death of her previous boyfriend and has a tendency to see Changez as something of an exotic foreigner, further hardening his heart. He eventually returns to Pakistan as an anti-American teacher, but it is never fully clear just how radical his feelings have become. To say his feelings on the United States are complicated is an understatement.

The Stranger

Changez’s conversation with the Stranger serves as a framing device for his story of living in America and becoming the main he is today. The Stranger is unnamed and never speaks, so it is left to the reader to judge whether he can be trusted. Thus, each reader must decide whether the Stranger is a simple tourist, an American spy sent to apprehend or kill Changez, or something even more sinister.


Changez’s girlfriend during his time in the States, Erica herself is representative of his tumultuous relationship with America. She is beautiful, popular, and smart. Though she loves Changez, her inability to move on from her previous boyfriend Chris (who died a year before she and Changez met) puts a heavy strain on their relationship. After 9/11, she falls victim to depression and obsession, and it is unclear whether or not she later took her own life. Changez clearly still holds affection for her memory, and sometimes imagines that she might seek him out, though he knows this is likely impossible.


Jim is the Executive VP at the financial firm Underwood Samson, and serves as a mentor to Changez for much of his time at the firm. His is a classic rags-to-riches story, and he identifies with Changez because of their similar financial backgrounds. Unfortunately, Jim’s view of Changez is colored by his inability to truly comprehend Changez’s culture and racial background, much as Erica's view is colored.


Wainwright is Changez' only friend at Underwood Samson and the only other colored person in his class.


The old CEO of a publishing company in Valparaiso, he advises Changez to not just be a mercenary for the Americans.