The Recruiting Officer Imagery

The Recruiting Officer Imagery

Recruitment officers

In this play, recruitment officers are associated with deception and manipulation. In order to get more people to sign up for the army, Plume and Kite both use unscrupulous measures. For example, Kite dresses up as a fortune teller and tells people that their future will be better if they sign up for the army.

The courtroom

A courtroom is typically associated with seriousness, order and the law. However, it is in the courtroom where we see some of the best comedy in this play. In the fourth act of the play, Justice Balance discusses the people Kite has signed up to the army, finding them questionable. This scene mocks and satirizes the recruitment officers and the justice system. Another factor making this scene humorous is the fact that Justice Balance is also unknowingly sentencing his own daughter, who is disguised as a man.


Disguise and costumes are a key aspect of this play, creating comedic value and plot complications. The main form of disguise is Sylvia dressing up as a man. She does this because her father has forbidden her to enter the town, so she becomes unrecognizable. In a humorous turn of events, Justice Balance (Sylvia’s father) sentences the disguised Sylvia in court. Another example of disguise in this text is when Kite dresses as a fortune teller to enlist recruits. Lucy also dresses in a mask, to pretend that she is Melinda so that Brazen will marry her.


Wealth is a key aspect of this text, framing all relationships and courtships. Melinda and Sylvia are at first rejected but when they come into wealth, they become more desirable.

Rose is an interesting character as she lives in the village and doesn’t have any considerable wealth. Wilfull (Sylvia dressed as a man) and Plume fight for her affection, and in doing so they compete by offering her material wealth. Wilfull says he will give her a coach and lackeys, whereas Plume offers her a scarf and tickets to the theater. In this text, successful courtship is dependent on both partners having similar social status and wealth.

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