The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Themes

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Themes


Goffman explains, “Another illustration may be found in the raw recruit who initially follows army etiquette in order to avoid physical punishment and who eventually comes to follow the rules so that his organization will not be shamed and his officers and fellow-soldiers will respect him. As suggested, the cycle of disbelief-to-belief can be followed in the other direction, starting with conviction or insecure aspiration and ending in cynicism.” The fear of punishment is attributed to operant conditioning which is instilled during training. Once the soldiers get intrinsic motivation to put on the performances, they are not concerned about punishments. The conviction enables the new recruits to unconsciously uphold performances that are common for all the soldiers.


Goffman elucidates, “It has been suggested that when individuals come together for the purpose of interaction, each adheres to the part that has been cast for him within his team’s routine, and each joins with his team-mates in maintaining the appropriate mixture of formality and informality.” Communication permits team members to interact with each other freely. Team members play distinct roles in the interaction. Communication in the team can be either formal or informal. The main goal of the interaction between the members is to uphold status quo.

“Impression Management”

Goffman expounds, “In order to prevent the occurrence of incidents and the embarrassment consequent upon them, it will be necessary for all the participants in the interaction as well as those who do not participate, to possess certain attributes and to express these attributes in practices employed for saving the show.” Impressions ensure that mortifying situations would not arise in the course of an interaction. Performances are shaped by the impressions which the team members employ. Through various impressions, individuals portray themselves favorably with their associates and minimize odds of having awkward utterances and plunders.

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