The Ponder Heart Irony

The Ponder Heart Irony

Daniel is the heir

Uncle Daniel is the heir to the Ponder’s wealth even though he is mentally slow and possesses the innocence of a child. He is overly generous which sees him give away his family fortune to the displeasure of his niece Edna Earle. Edna is the only member of the family left who is responsible enough to handle the family fortune. Even though the patriarch of the family Sam was aware of his mental challenges the wealth was bestowed onto him. Edna is clearly the worthy one as an heiress despite Daniel being older and male.

Grandpa Ponder is institutionalized

After Grandpa Ponder gets frustrated with Daniel’s behavior he decides to institutionalize him in the asylum. Ironically at the mental institution Daniel foils a plan that sees his father institutionalized instead of him. The nurse mistakes Grandpa Ponder as the patient as he is older and seems to be the likely member to be admitted. Moreover, it is ironic that Daniel outsmarts his way out of the situation even though he is the mentally challenged one.

The irony of generosity

The most prominent trait Uncle Daniel exhibits is kindness for he frequently gives away money and belongings. His childlike innocence allows him to see the good in the townsfolk and his family. Ironically despite his generosity, he does not receive the same kindness from others. He allows his wife to stay at his home and spend his money after he is kicked out by her. He is frequently treated poorly by people around him and after he gives away all his wealth the whole town abandons him.

Bonnie’s death

The death of Daniel’s second wife is the source of conflict in the narrative. However, the details about her death are vague and are not clearly addressed during the trial. Edna narrates the specifics of the death which contributes to the dark humor of the story. Bonnie dies while laughing since Daniel was tickling her to calm her down during a storm. Ironically she dies from something benign that was to act as a remedy to her fear of lightning. Moreover, to add to the irony she is a young woman with perfect health who dies from tickling.

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