The Poetry of Isabella Whitney Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What social class did Isabella Whitney belong to?

    Scholars have generally agreed that Whitney's family are from Cheshire and that they were part of the minor gentry. This means they were not wealthy but were also not incredibly poor. This being said, Whitney often refers to herself as being short on money, and even cites this as a reason she had to leave London. For example, she describes herself as being "whole in body and in mind, but very weak in purse."

  2. 2

    What advice does Whitney give her younger sisters about service in London?

    In An Order Prescribed to two of her Younger Sisters Serving in London, Whitney writes to her two younger sisters who are serving in London. She offers them advice about general wellbeing, and also tips about domestic chores. She intended this poem to be a substitute for her actually being there when they move away, offering them sisterly advice and support: "Good sisters mine when I shall further from you dwell, peruse these lines, observe the rules which in the same I tell."

    She takes the sisters on a typical day working in service, beginning in the morning when they should "commend" themselves to God, and pray for their family and friends. They should then do their general chores and "deeds as to you are assigned." She then reminds them that "all wanton toys" should be "exile[d] out of your mind," as they should not be distracted by trivial things. Afterwards she warns them against believing what people say, before saying that "words are but wind, yet words may hurt you so." She also advises her sisters to be "modest" and "gentle," and to resist retaliating when people wrong them. Finally, Whitney tells her sisters about what to do in the evenings, when their Masters and Mistresses have gone to bed.

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