The Poetry of Benjamin Zephaniah Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Zephaniah explore racism in his poetry?

    Racism is a key theme of Zephaniah and is focused on in his poem "The Race Industry." In this poem, he comments on racial issues in English society, such as police brutality, employment issues, and the black community. In this poem, he seems to comment on the fact that racial issues have become an "industry," under which a lot of people benefit and profit from other people's suffering.

  2. 2

    What ideas does Zephaniah explore in "Whos Who"?

    In this poem, Zephaniah comments on common stereotypes based on people's professions and gender. For example, he reveals that he "used to think nurses were women," and "used to think police officers were men." The fact that he here uses the past tense suggests that he has learned from this, and now has a different opinion. Overall, the poem encourages us to challenge our own biases and prejudices and to embrace open-mindedness.

  3. 3

    What does Zephaniah suggest about British culture in "We Refugees?"

    In "We Refugees," Zephaniah explores the idea of a cultural "melting pot." This metaphor is used to describe a heterogeneous society that is becoming more homogeneous and therefore becomes a "melting pot" of different cultures. In this poem, Zephaniah explores the vast number of different cultures that contribute to British culture as a whole.

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