The Poems of Isobel Dixon Themes

The Poems of Isobel Dixon Themes

Selflessness - "Plenty"

The poem describes the life of a woman, a single mother's struggle. The woman faces many difficulties and earns very little money. The money is not enough to fulfill their needs. But she always tries to do hard work for her children and wants to give them a good life. Dixon expresses the hardships of a single mother, who have all responsibilities of her family.

Mother's Love - "Plenty"

When Dixon was a child, she used to play with her siblings. Her mother was a working woman, and she earns money to feed her children. The poet beautifully narrates the sacrifices of her mother. The mother cherishes the children with all her love and care and tries to fulfill all their needs.

Poverty - "Plenty"

In this autobiographical poem, the poet states her family's conditions when they did not afford necessary items for everyday life. Dixon's mother was unable to take some extra food and water for bathing. The poet and her siblings depend upon her mother because her mother feeds the children and, she seems the world to them.

Childhood Memories - "Plenty"

Dixon beautifully crafts the memories of her childhood in the poem. She recollects her past when she composes this verse. She explains everything about her childhood experiences and her family's financial situation at that time.

Importance of Family - "Weather Eye"

It is a beautiful and melodious poem. In the poem, Dixon describes the nostalgic memories of her past. She remembers her family members and their affection for her.

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