The Poems of Bronwen Wallace Background

The Poems of Bronwen Wallace Background

Bronwen Wallace was a Canadian whose work in poetry impacted many people during the last two decades. Most of his work touch on women's roles. Wallace articulates the emotions that are concealed underneath the surface of everyday activities. The author’s collection of poems is applicable, humorous, and emotional, revealing feelings that are implicit because of ineptness and mortification. Wallace also expressed sentiments of feminism through her poetry. Several poems employ essential elements like conversations, voice, and stories to explore women's personal and ethical situations. These poems expose readers to the ordinary lives of the female gender.

Readers get insight into how Wallace arouses emotions for women's social and political change in a patriarchal society. It seems Wallace’s goal was to do away with patriarchy and shape society into a gender-balanced one. She uses narrative poetry to give stories about women's lives as authentication to unspoken aspects of the female gender. Wallace uses a confessional tone in her poems to cement her arguments about violence meted out against women. The poems' collections portray women as friends, experiencing domestic violence, unable to do their roles due to patriarch, and experiencing inequality.

Wallace offers readers insight into the importance of gender equality through challenging traditional ideas of motherhood. Additionally, she outlines how women can empower themselves through friendship. Most of her work employs narrative methods of stories and conversations to explore the importance of women's sharing of life challenges. Friendships of women are critical to their empowerment.

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