The Play of Adam (Le Jeu d'Adam) Characters

The Play of Adam (Le Jeu d'Adam) Character List


The mythological first man, Adam is the first human being created by God. He is formed in the Garden of Eden, where he is placed in charge of the tending of the plants and the naming of the animals. After being presented by his wife Eve with the forbidden fruit, he decides to eat it with her, knowing he was ordered not to do so. Immediately Adam regrets his decision as he is flooded with self-awareness and shame for his nakedness, disobedience, and weakness. He tries to hide from God, but he cannot. Adam and Eve leave the Garden, and Adam becomes a farmer.


Created from Adam's rib, Eve is the first woman. She is his companion, created equal to him. When the serpent approaches her one day, he convinces her to eat the forbidden fruit. She then shares some with Adam also. Eve is exiled alongside her husband from the Garden and subsequently gives birth to several children.


Cain is the firstborn of Adam and Eve. He is a hunter and an outdoorsman. When it is time to present sacrifices, he offers a fine lamb from his flock. God is displeased with Cain's offering, however, because it did not follow his explicit instructions. Cain becomes so angry at this rejection that he looks for the closest begin to punish -- his brother Able, whose sacrifice was accepted. Furious, Cain murders his brother. He is exiled, but God protects Cain by forbidding anyone to kill him.


Able is the younger brother. He is a gardener, a quiet man. When he is called upon to make a sacrifice, he offers up his first fruits. God is pleased. Although Able makes no attempt to humiliate Cain, his success is unbearable to his older brother.


Isaiah is a prophet of God, which means he sometimes has visions and dreams in which God instructs him to say something to the Israelites about the future. Isaiah's big prophecy is not a welcome one because it predicts the fall of Israel. Because he's constantly talking doom and gloom, Isaiah is largely hated by the people around him. They do not take him seriously. He suffers great persecution, but mostly he just grows old and tired of nobody listening to him. Eventually he dies, but only after the fall of Israel has begun when their neighboring countries attack.


Long after Isaiah's time, Daniel is born an Israelite during the Babylonian captivity. His people have been slaves for some time in a foreign country. As a youth, Daniel starts receiving visions from God, usually pertaining to his own need to be separate from the Babylonians around him. Daniel is supposed to be an example to his people and to the Babylonian King of God's power, so he eats different food, conducts himself with integrity, and becomes a prosperous man in the king's court.

Eventually Daniel becomes a threat to some of his colleagues. They devise a scheme to eliminate him by convincing the king to decree that no one is allowed to pray to any god but the king, knowing that Daniel prayed daily. Refusing to stop his prayers -- his sole connection to God, -- Daniel is caught and thrown into a pit full of hungry lions. The lions leave him alone, though, compelled by God himself. And Daniel is released.

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