The Planners Quotes


They build and will not stop.

the speaker, line 7

The pessimistic nature of the poem is present from the very beginning, particularly in this line which implies that there is no end to the destructive nature of the building process, despite the sea and sky i.e. nature drawing back and surrendering. Building and progress is most often seen as positive, but in this instance, the poem directly alludes to the negativity of building at the cost of life.

They erase the flaws,

and blemishes of the past…

the speaker, line 10-11

In the face of progress and infrastructural building, the past and the remnants of the past are things to be erased and eradicated, as this poem argues. But, no flaws means sterility and artificiality, which is further confirmed with the next line and allusion to dentistry.

But my heart would not bleed


the speaker, line 24-25

Expressing an opinion or view of something and closing it off with phrases like “I would not tell” is a clear indication of a conflicting nature of the expressed thought or opinion. The speaker knows the opinion is something that might cause negative effect, or is simply an unpopular one. Such is the ending stanza of this poem and the paradoxical speaker/poet's words saying that they would not talk about the negativity of building and progress in their poetry.

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