The Physicists Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What type of allusion does Herr rose use to describe the sanatorium? What is the irony of the allusion?

    Herr Rose states, “How peaceful it is here! What a friendly atmosphere! Truly a divine peace reigns over this house, just as the psalmist says: For the Lord heareth the needy and despiseth not his prisoners” (Act 1). Here, Herr Rose employs a Biblical allusion. However, the allusion is irrelevant considering the recent murders of nurses. Accordingly, the sanatorium is not absolutely divine.

  2. 2

    Why does Mobius discourage Jorg-Lukas from his aspiration of being a physician?

    Mobius explains, “I should never have been one (a physician), Jorg Lukas. Never. I wouldn’t be in the madhouse now.” Mobius reasoning implies that he associates his career with his insanity. According to Mobius, being a physician is directly correlated with his mental instability. He would not advise his son to choose a similar career because he too would end up in a sanatorium.

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