The Old Curiosity Shop Themes

The Old Curiosity Shop Themes


The main theme of the novel is that of family and affection and lengths one would go through for their loved ones. At the center of it is the young Nell who lives with and takes care of her old grandfather, who in turn is determined to make Nell have a pleasant and rich life, as opposed to her parents. Things don't go the way he planned, and Nell's grandfather suffers a breakdown after being tricked by the evil Quilp and had his hopes for better Nell's future crushed. Nevertheless, Nell stays at his side until the end and protects her grandfather at the cost of her own life. It is a story of sacrifice and love for family and loved ones.


The novel is concerned with greed as one of the central themes as well. Daniel Quilp is at the center of this theme as the novel's main antagonist. Despite his grotesque appearance, he is charming and manipulative and enjoys seeing others suffer. He tricks Nell's father to the extent of making him lose everything, even his sanity, and takes over his shop. Quilp belittles and uses others with greed being his main motivator.

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