The Octopus Museum Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is involved in Shaughnessy's apocalyptic future?

    In this poetry collection, Shaughnessy imagines an eerie apocalyptic future, whereby a group of cephalopods called "the Octopodes," have taken over, and don't even communicate with humans due to our lack of intelligence. In this world, current issues such as climate change and inequality are shown to be part of an ongoing shift towards an irreversible and eerie future, the result of which is depicted in this poetry collection.

  2. 2

    What form does the author use in this collection?

    Most of the poetry in this collection is written in the form of prose poems, which are then broken into different sections, or stanzas. This form allows the author to communicate about political and social issues directly and clearly, which seems fitting giving the subject matter of this collection.

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