The Ninth Metal Irony

The Ninth Metal Irony

Balding (Symbolizes desperation)

Hawkin’s father’s balding of his head symbolizes hopelessness. The author writes, “His but was balding but kept his hair long enough to comb over and spray stiffly in place. The balding of the head shows that something is not right.” The author continues to write, "In fact, his father and hundreds of others had lost their jobs at the Frontier Metals after the federal government shut down the mining lease on over hundred thousand acres of land.”

The hurdles of marriage life

The marriage of Hawkin’s parents symbolizes hurdles couples go through as they live together. Hawkin witnesses her parents’ quarrels. The biggest hurdle in marriage is the lack of enough money. The author writes, “Hawkin heard his parents arguing through the walls at night. About money mostly.” Hawkin's father has lost his job, facing financial difficulties. On the other hand, Hawkin's mother is working, and she always looks down upon her husband because he is broke.

Symbolism of motivation

Superman symbolizes Hawkin's motivation on his notebook's cover. Superman is a man of steel, strong, courageous and ambitious. Hawking is determined to be strong as Superman and do extraordinary things. The author writes, “His notebook had a Superman on the cover, a montage of the Man of Steel as a baby zooming toward earth in his Krypton rocket.”

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