The New Negro Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the title ‘The New Negro’?

    This book was written during the 20th century when racism in America was the order of the day. The Black Americans were forced to assimilate into the American culture to fit in society. However, Locke thinks that people should not abandon their culture and blindly start following others. Locke disagrees with authors like Booker Washington, who promotes accommodationist theory that the Blacks in America should integrate white culture for them to fit in. Consequently, this book's title is significant because it advocates for the so-called "new Negroism" in which blacks should appreciate their culture and demand respect for it.

  2. 2

    What is the emblematic meaning of the ‘New Negro’?

    The 'New Negro' is used by the author to symbolize racial reconciliation. The author introduces the 'New Negro' to counter the narrative of the 'Old Negro' in which the Blacks blindly follow culture assimilation to please the other race. According to the author, Black Americans need to appreciate who they are and fight for their rights instead of imitating the whites' way of doing things. The author thinks that Black people will remain Africans regardless of copying the American culture. Therefore, the 'New Negro' is a terminology that signifies the importance of appreciating oneself and genuinely fighting for your rights.

  3. 3

    What is the most significant predicament facing African Americans?

    According to Locke, the biggest challenge facing black people is self-denial and lack of self-understanding. African Americans apparently do not want to understand themselves, but they expect the whites to understand them. Failure to stand firm and appreciate African American culture has a negative impact on the war racial discrimination. Therefore, the biggest challenge facing black people is the desire to imitate the whites instead of understanding that they have a culture to safeguard and demand respect.

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