The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the import of optimism to programmers?

    Brooks expounds, “All programmers are optimists. Perhaps this modern sorcery especially attracts those who believe in happy endings and fairy godmothers. Perhaps the hundreds of nitty frustrations drive away all but those who habitually focus on the end goal. Perhaps it is merely that computers are young, programmers are younger, and the young are always optimists.” Optimism enables the computer programmers to rise above the frustrations which are inherent in the sphere of programming. Optimistic programmers strive to come up with effective programs no matter the obstacles which they encounter in the course of the development. Being pessimists would hinder the programmers from progressing with their innovations.

  2. 2

    What is the implication of comparing programmers to chefs?

    Brooks explains, “Observe that for the programmer, as for the chef, the urgency of the patron may govern the scheduled completion of the task, but it cannot govern the actual completion. An omelette, promised in two minutes, may appear to be progressing nicely. But when it has not set in two minutes, the customer has two choices- wait or eat it raw. Software customers have had the same choices. The cook has another choice; he can turn up the heat. The result is often an omelette nothing can save- burned in one part, raw in another.” The illustration regarding the omelette is contributory in expounding the implication of estimations in programming. Programmers may make forecast about the likely time for the completion of software. Customers should not expect the forecast to be precise for their may arise in eventualities which may push the deadline forward. Sufficient time should be allowed for the completion of a functional program failure to which it will turn out like an unpleasant omelette.

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